TNEB AE Recruitment 2020 – invites Online applications for recruitment of 600 Assistant Engineer (AE) Electrical, Assistant Engineer (AE) Mechanical, Assistant Engineer (AE) Civil Posts. This online facility will be available in the Official website from 15.02.2020 to 16.03.2020. Interested candidates are requested to peruse the advertisement regarding the process of Examinations and Interview, Eligibility Criteria, Application Fee, How to Apply, Pattern of Examination, Syllabus, Question Paper, Admit Date, Exam Date, Result Date etc,. Refer thoroughly before applying.

Stepwise procedure for downloading the TNEB Admit Card 2021 for Departmental Exam is granted below. Candidates are requested to follow the below-provided instructions to download their Exam Admit Card of TNEB 2020 recruitment for the Departmental Exam without any difficulty. To avoid last-minute accessing problems on the official website, candidates are advised to download the TNEB Admit Card 2020 for Departmental Exam well in advance.
How to Download TNEB AE Admit Card 2021
Step 1: Candidates should go to the official website of the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board
Step 2: Check on that Careers tab
Step 3: Search for the link related to download the TNEB Admit Card 2021 for Departmental Exam and check on that link
Step 4: Enter the login credentials of the candidate like “Login Id and Password”
Step 5: Check on the login button
Click Here To Go Direct Link Download TNEB AE Admit Card 2021
Forgotten password
If the candidate forgets their Password, then they have to check on ‘Forgot Password’ link on the login page and enter the following information to get Password on their registered email ID:
- User ID/Registration Number
- 7 characters shown in a box
Organization name | TANGEDCO |
Post Name | Assistant Engineer (Electrical, Mechanical & Civil) |
Total Vacancies | 600 |
Written Exam Date | Tentative schedule of CBT – June/July 2021 |
TNEB AE Hall Ticket Availability | one week prior to the exam date |
Website | |
TANGEDCO Recruitment 2018 600 Assistant Engineer (AE) Posts:
Organization Name: Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited
Job Category: Tamilnadu Govt Jobs
Total No of Vacancies: 600
Job Location: Tamilnadu
Latest TANGEDCO Vacancy Details:
Name of the Post & No of Vacancies:
TANGEDCO Invites Applications for the Following Posts
SI No | Name of Post | No. of Post |
1. | Assistant Engineer (AE) Electrical | 400 |
2. | Assistant Engineer (AE) Mechanical | 125 |
3. | Assistant Engineer (AE) Civil | 75 |
Total | 600 |
Eligibility Criteria for TANGEDCO Vacancy 2020:
Educational Qualification: (As on 08.01.2020)
SI No | Name of Post | Qualification |
1. | Assistant Engineer (AE) Electrical | A Bachelor degree in EEE/ECE/EIE/CSE/IT Engineering OR A pass in AMIE (Sections A and B) under Electrical Engineering Branch OR Equivalent recognized by the UGC |
2. | Assistant Engineer (AE) Mechanical | A degree in Mechanical/ Production/ Industrial/ Manufacturing Engineering OR A pass in AMIE (Sections A and B) under Mechanical Engineering Branch OR Equivalent recognized by the UGC |
3. | Assistant Engineer (AE) Civil | A Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering OR A pass in AMIE (Sections A and B) under Civil Engineering Branch OR Equivalent recognized by the UGC |
Note:- i. The qualification prescribed for this post should have been obtained by passing the required qualification in the order of studies i.e. 10th + HSC/Diploma + U.G. degree (Regular/Part time) as the case may be from any university or Institution, recognized by the University Grants commission or any of the Universities recognized by the Government of Tamil Nadu. The candidates who have passed U.G. degree through Distance education / Correspondence mode from any university or Institution, recognized by the University Grants commission or any of the Universities recognized by the Government of Tamil Nadu are not eligible for this post except than those who are covered in the SLP orders made in Civil Appeal Nos.17869-17870/2017 (Arising out of Special Leave Petition (C) Nos.19807-19808/2012). |
Age Limit: (As on 01.07.2019)
Name of Post | Min Age Limit | Max Age Limit |
For SC, SC(A), ST, Destitute Widow | 18 Years | 35 Years |
For MBC/DC, BCO, BCM | 18 Years | 32 Years |
‘Others’ [i.e candidates not belonging to SC, SC(A), ST, MBC/DC, BCO and BCMs] | 18 Years | 30 Years |
(i) For Differently Abled Persons: Differently Abled Persons are eligible for age concession upto 10 years over and above the maximum age limit prescribed above.
(ii) For ex-servicemen:
a. The maximum age limit is 53 Years for the Applicants who belong to SC, SC(A), ST.
b. The maximum age limit is 48 years for “others” (i.e.) Applicants not belonging to any of the above said categories. c. The above concession will not apply to the Applicants those who have already been recruited to any class or service or category.
(iii) Apprenticeship: In respect of Apprenticeship candidates, age relaxation will be allowed to the extent of the actual period of apprentice training.
Salary Details:
SI No | Name of Post | Pay scale |
1. | Assistant Engineer (AE) Electrical | Rs.39800 – 126500/- |
2. | Assistant Engineer (AE) Mechanical | |
3. | Assistant Engineer (AE) Civil |
Selection Procedure for TANGEDCO:
Selection Procedure:
TANGEDCO may follow the following process to select the candidates.
1. | Written Exam |
2. | Certificate Verification |
TANGEDCO Assistant Engineer (AE) Syllabus & Exam Pattern: Click Here | |
TANGEDCO Assistant Engineer (AE) Question Papers: Click Here |
Application Fee/Exam Fee:
Community | Amount |
OC, BCO, BCM, MBC/ DC | Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) |
SC, SCA and ST | Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) |
Destitute widow and Differently abled persons | Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) |
Note : 1) The candidates can make payments through Bank Challan, Net Banking, Payment Gateway and Debit/Credit card. 2) For mode of payment candidates have to select either Canara Bank or Indian Bank or Indian Overseas Bank 3) Click “Download Challan” option. System will generate the payment challan which the candidates need to take print out and go to the nearest branch of Indian bank or Canara bank or Indian Overseas Bank as the case may be, to make the payment 4) Collect the Candidate and TANGEDCO copy of the fee payment challan from the bank branch. Please check that Bank reference No, TANGEDCO acknowledgement number, Bank Branch code, and Deposit Date have been noted in the challan and is properly signed by the branch authorities. TANGEDCO copy need not be uploaded or submitted to TANGEDCO, but to be kept safe and to be produced when required. |
How to apply for TANGEDCO Assistant Engineer (AE) Post:
Eligible candidates can apply online through the Official website from 15.02.2020 to 16.03.2020. Before applying, Candidates should ensure that they fulfill the eligibility criteria as per published in the online advertisement.
Important Dates for TANGEDCO Assistant Engineer (AE) Post:
Date of opening of Online Portal for submitting applications | 15.02.2020 |
Last date for submission of online applications, for uploading the documents and fr making online payment | 16.03.2020 |
Last date for payment of Fee through Canara Bank / Indian Bank / Indian Overseas Bank (Challan Payment) | 27.02.2020 |
The date of conducting Competitive Online Examination will be notified in the website |
TANGEDCO Assistant Engineer (AE) Syllabus & Question Papers:
TANGEDCO Assistant Engineer (AE) Syllabus & Exam Pattern | Click Here |
TANGEDCO Assistant Engineer (AE) Question Papers | Click Here |
TANGEDCO Assistant Engineer (AE) Official Notification & Application Link:
TANGEDCO Official Website Career Page | Click Here |
TANGEDCO Official Notification PDF | Click Here |
TANGEDCO Online Application Form | Click Here |

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