Delhi Ration Card @ e-Ratioin Card Downloaded | View Your Ration Card Details | Track Ration Coming to Your FPS | Track Your Food Security | Register/Change of Mobile No | Free Ration Vitaran: Under दिल्ली राशन कूपन योजना, Delhi Government is issuing temporary e-ration coupons to the poor people of Delhi who are suffering due to the ongoing lockdown. With this Delhi Ration Card, they can get ration from their FPS shops or from the authority prescribed by the govt. These no-ration cardholders will be issued e-coupons and using these ration coupons they can get the Delhi ration from the nearest Fair Price Shops.
Update: Citizens of Delhi who do not own a ration card and are suffering from shortage of food and supplies can apply for the Temporary ration card. The application link is provided below. Delhi government is also delivering free ration card at door to all those people who don’t have any ration cards.
Delhi Ration Card 2021
To combat the crises created due to the lockdown, Delhi government announced to provide food to all the citizens living in Delhi. Those who already have ration cards are getting their share from the ration shops under various relief packages provided by the Central as well as the state government but there are also people who do not have ration cards and are suffering as they do not have food. To provide assistance to these people, the government is issuing temporary ration cards so that they can also avail the ration benefit during the critical situation.
यदि आप भी दिल्ली अस्थायी ई-कूपन के लिए आवेदन करना चाहते हैं, तो आप ऑनलाइन आवेदन जमा कर सकते हैं और राशन कूपन प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। आवेदन करने के लिए लिंक और सभी संबंधित जानकारी इस पोस्ट में दी गई है।
The motive of issuing e-coupons is to ensure that each and every individual in the state get food to combat the pandemic effectively. Temporary ration cards can be availed online from the official portal.
In this article, we have covered complete information on Delhi Ration Card 2021, e-coupon, its application process, status and other related in easy to understand language. So, readers can continue reading this post and collect crucial information.
Delhi Temporary Ration Coupon- Overview
Ration Card | Delhi Temporary Ration card / दिल्ली राशन कूपन योजना |
Article | Ration Card |
Department | Department of Food, Supplies and Consumer Affairs, GNCT of Delhi |
State/UT | NCT of Delhi |
Type of ration cards issued in Delhi | APL, BPL, AAY, AY |
Purpose of issue of temporary ration cards | Help people during lockdown |
Application process | Online |
Temporary ration card portal | |
Delhi Govt. portal | |
Delhi Food Supply Dept. portal | |
Category wise supply of commodity: in June 2021
SNo | Commodity | Category | Quantity |
1 | Rice | ||
AAY | 10 Kg/Per Card | ||
AAY | 1.5 Kg/Per Card | ||
PR | 1 Kg/Member | ||
PR | 0.5 Kg/Member | ||
PR-S | 0.5 Kg/Member | ||
PR-S | 1 Kg/Member | ||
2 | Sugar | ||
AAY | 1 Kg/Per Card | ||
3 | Wheat | ||
AAY | 25 Kg/Per Card | ||
AAY | 6 Kg/Per Card | ||
PR | 2 Kg/Member | ||
PR | 4 Kg/Member | ||
PR-S | 4 Kg/Member | ||
PR-S | 2 Kg/Member |
Eligibility criteria For Temporary Delhi Ration Card
- Applicant should be living in Delhi.
- Applicant should not be having a ration card already.
- Applicant should have Aadhaar Card.
- Any member of the family should not be working in any of the government department.
- The electricity connection in the applicant’s house should not be more than 2 KiloWatts.
- No member of the applicant family should be an income tax payee.
Documents Required to Apply for Temporary Delhi Ration Card
Applicants need to submit two important documents in the online application form. These documents include-
- Aadhaar card copy of the Applicant (in the format specified)
- Voter Id card (optional)
- Latest family photograph (optional)
Information to be filled in Delhi ration e-coupon application
Applicants are required to furnish following information in the online application form-
- Applicants’ mobile number,
- Aadhaar number,
- Voter Id (optional)
- Name, Age, Aadhaar of the head of the family and all the members
- Address details- Vidhan Sabha circle, street address, house No., locality and PIN.
Important Points related to Delhi Temporary e-coupon
- Temporary ration coupons are being issued only for the period of covid-19 emergency.
- It can be used only for the time duration mentioned in the coupons.
- Under this coupon ration for three months will be provided from the specified FPS shops/ centres.
- E-coupons should be used for availing food supplied only from the designated centres.
- Application should be made only through the online mode.
- This coupon is valid only for a specific duration.
- Head of the family should be preferably a lady of the family. However, in case of no female member a male head of the family can apply.
- Those who will be issued e-coupons should visit the designated centre only on the date of distribution and time mentioned on the card. They should not step out unnecessarily.
- At the distribution center you must have to your e-coupon and Aadhaar card. Delhi Ration Card Status
Procedure to Track Delhi e-ration card/ coupon status
To check the e-ration card status one has to visit the official portal. Using the login detail i.e. the registered mobile number one can check e-ration card status.
Information mentioned on the Temporary e-coupon
The following information is indicated in the e-coupon issued to the people-
- Name of the head of the family
- Total number of the family members
- Address of the applicant
- Name of the distribution center
- Date of collection of Ration
- Time of the collection
- E-coupon number
- QR scan code
- Date of issue of coupon
- Name of the issuing authority
कैसे प्राप्त करें दिल्ली राशन कूपन ?
आप Delhi राशन ई-कूपन प्राप्त करने के लिए नीचे दिए गए सरल निर्देशों का पालन कर सकते हैं-
- सबसे पहले आपको दिल्ली सरकार की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट (i.e. खोलनी होगी|
- वेबसाइट का होमपेज खुल जायेगा और आपको “Apply for Temporary Ration Coupon” पर क्लिक करना होगा।
- अब आपको अपना मोबाइल नम्बर दर्ज करना है और Submit बटन पर क्लिक करना है|
- अब मोबाइल OTP सत्यापित करें ।
- अब New Application विकल्प पर क्लिक करें|
- आपके स्क्रीन पर दिल्ली राशन कूपन फॉर्म खुल जायेगा।
- सभी विवरण भरें और पूर्व निर्धारित प्रारूप में आवश्यक दस्तावेज अपलोड करें और Proceed बटन पर क्लिक करें|
- अब आप ई-कूपन डाउनलोड करने के लिए अपने मोबाइल पर एक एसएमएस प्राप्त करेंगे|
- एसएमएस में उल्लिखित लिंक पर जाकर कूपन डाउनलोड करें और राशन प्राप्त करने के लिए अपने आधार और कूपन के साथ तह नामित केंद्र पर जाएं।
How to get Delhi Temporary Ration Card?
In order to issue Delhi Temporary Ration e-coupon, one has to follow the easy steps given below-
- Visit the official website of Delhi Government first. The website link is
- On the homepage of the portal, click on “Apply for Temporary Ration Coupon” link.

Now, the user will be redirected to a news page. On this page read the instructions provided and proceed further.

Login with the mobile no. and verify the OTP

After successful login, click on “Submit New Application” tab.
- Application form will appear. Fill the information required in the form,

- Mark the declaration and proceed further.

- Now, Upload the documents and click submit button.

- Application approval status will appear. Click on “Download eCoupon” option.

- A SMS will be sent on the registered mobile. Click on the link mentioned in the SMS and download the e-coupon. Take the coupon along with the Aadhaar card to the specified center and collect the ration.

Frequently Asked Questions
I am not having a Delhi ration card, can I avail ration from the FPS shop at subsidized rates?
As per the Delhi Government corona relief package, if you are not having a ration card you can apply for a temporary e-coupon and collect ration from the specified centers.What is time limit for processing of application for e-coupon for ration?
There is no limit in processing of application. If all the information provided by the applicant is correct, they will get the e-coupon issued immediately after the submission of application.Can I use the ration card after the lockdown?
As the name suggests it a temporary coupon that is being issued for a certain period of time. It is just an e-coupon for collective ration during the ongoing lock-down so do not consider it as a permanent ration card.What are the documents I am required to have while applying for e-coupon?
Applicants are required to have their Aadhaar card as of the family members, family photograph and voter Id card. However, family photograph and voter id are optional.Where do I have to visit to avail the ration card coupon?
You must remember that you should not step out during this situation. Temporary ration coupons are available online. You just have to submit your application using your mobile, tablet, laptop, or desktop etc.
Contact Details
Department of Food, Supplies and Consumer Affairs
Phone No.- 011 – 23378759
Official Website:
Helpline Number: 1800 – 11 – 0841
Email id:
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