Corona Warriors Registration Online Portal Join the war against COVID-19, COVID-19 Warriors Apply Online Official Website Link
India is facing a long journey towards lockdown due to Corona 19 pandemic. During this phase, government isn’t leaving anystone unturned. So it’s not only the govt who has to fight against COVID-19, but others too. Being a citizen of India, we should also help in this war against this pandemic. So, any individual or organisation who wants to Join the war against COVID-19, can make Corona Warriors Registration Online Portal The official portal has been launched, which will help you being a part of this wing.
This portal totally works under Government of India. It’s a platform where all the volunteers who wanted to participate in this battle against deathly corona. All the responsible people got already registered under this portal.

COVID Warriors Registration Online
Government of India has come up with this step to bring all the volunteers, doctors, nurses, paramedical staffs, police, workers and others who are anticipated with the corona treatment and it’s spread. Altogether they’ll work against this pandemic and make the country corona free as soon as the can. Kindly go through the website and Apply for Corona Warriors Registration Online yourself, if you too are interested in this social service. Also, you should go through this article completely as it’ll provide you further information of this web portal. Online Registration to Join the war against COVID-19 (Corona Warriors Registration)
Our PM, Mr. Modi Ji has announced for the individual support of the citizens through this portal. As we know it’s every citizen’s duty against this deadly disease, we should be united and support our government. As per the data, millions of MBBS, Nurses, Pharmacists, Hospitals, Labs and others organisations and institutions has participated.
There are many guidelines issued by the govt to combat the spread of this infectious disease. Some are like wearing mask, washing hands frequently, not spitting here and there etc., which must be followed by every citizens. Others reviews are also being considered from the warrior team to stop this virus being spread. Everyone has participated with enthusiasm and are trying their best to win this battle.
Who are the COVID Warriors?
This is a group of people who joined together with an unanimous thoughts to support India to fight against the spread of Corona virus. This group includes doctors, nurses, NCC cadets, police, hospitals, other staffs, and even people from street. To participate in this social working, people just have to get registered on the given link. The areas where they all can contribute, includes –
- Health
- Communication
- Entrepreneurial
- Essential services
COVID-19 Corona Warriors Registration: Overview
Authority | Government of India |
Name of Portal | Covid Warriors |
Category | Covid-19 corona warriors- Registration |
Official Web portal | |
Eligibility | Any Indian citizen |
Official Website | Click here |
Steps to Apply for COVID-19 Warriors Online Registration Portal
Anyone who are willing to participate in this team and wanted to become a corona warrior, can stay on this page. They just have to follow few simple steps and they’ll get registered. Soon they’ll be able to show gratitude and service in favour of needy people. Kindly follow the given steps and make it possible soon. Procedure is as follows-
- The applicant has to visit the official website of the Corona Warriors i.e.
- Your screen will show Homepage of the official portal. Now click the tab “Join as citizen Volunteer”.
- The new tab will open where you have to register yourself by entering your personal details like name, age, profession etc.
- The applicants whoare already registered can just enter the email id and the password and login.
- Now, click on the submit tab after filling the details asked in the application form.
- After that an OTP is sent to your mobile number and mail id. Confirm the OTP.
- As soon as it’ll be verified, the applicant has to set a new password.
- Now, log in to the account and the dashboard will ask you to select any one option from the given list of volunteers, organizations and to donate the Medical equipment or others.
- At last you’ll receive few instructions on you email id as soon as you’ll submit your details. Now finally you became a member of COVID Warriors Team.
This is all about the Corona Warriors Registration Online. You can check the complete details over here and for more details you can bookmark this page. We’re here to reach you out soon on your feedback. Kindly write us your queries. Become a corona warrior!
Disclaimer: दोस्तों इस पेज पर दी गयी Corona Warriors Registration Online Portal जानकारी का स्त्रोत सोशल मीडिया, अख़बार एवं अन्य वेबसाइट है। यह किसी भी सरकारी अथवा प्राइवेट संसथान की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट नहीं है आपको होने वाली किसी भी असुविधा के लिए यह वेबसाइट जिम्मेदार नहीं होगी। हमारा उद्देश्य आप तक सिर्फ जानकारी पहुंचाना है। पूर्ण जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट को अवश्य चेक करे। (People Must Visit official website to get all the details before registration for COVID Warriors.)

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