Anna University Re-exam Registration 2021 will begin on May 24, 2021. Students who have not registered themselves in November/ December 2020 examination can complete the process once the link is activated. The details on Anna University Re-exam Registration 2021 can be accessed on the official website of Anna University,

- The students who have not registered for November/December 2020 examinations shall also be registered for the reexaminations scheduled during June/July 2021.
- Hence, the web portal of the office of the Controller of Examinations will be opened for registration from 24.05.2021 to 03.06.2021 for students not registered for November/December 2020 examinations. The Last date for submission of Preview Form along with DD is 05.06.2021
- The students already registered for these examinations and paid the fees need not register again.
- Fees: A special fee of Rs, 5000/- (onetime) is to be paid by the students along with normal examination fee for each paper, as prescribed by the University for students those who have exhausted the maximum period of study. Others have to pay the normal fees for each paper.
- A total of 4.25 lakh students had appeared for the university exams. Out of which, the results for 2.3 lakh students were declared, and the remaining results were withheld for suspected malpractices. Later, by hearing the request from many students, the TN government had ordered to conduct Anna University Re-exam 2021.
- “Students will write the exam in pen and paper mode. They can answer a maximum of 30 pages and the university will follow the old question paper pattern,” a principal of an engineering college, who attended the meeting conducted by Anna University, said. The university conducted a meeting with college principals to explain the new mode of exams.
- The questions will carry 100 marks and the exam duration is three hours. “The question papers will be sent to respective colleges 30 minutes before the exam. After the exam, the students need to upload the scanned answer sheets and original answer sheets to the websites of their colleges,” another principal said.
How to register for Anna University Re-Exam 2021:
- Go to the official website “”
- Login with Register number through the official web-portal of COE
- Download the Registration Preview Request Form.
- Any addition/deletion in the registration of subjects may be corrected in the preview form and the same may be sent by post to the office of the Controller of Examinations, Anna University, Chennai – 600 025.
- Fees may be paid online through web-portal.
- The preview form along with DD may be sent by post to the Office of the Controller of Examinations, Anna University, Chennai – 600 025 and the last date for the submission same by post is 05.06.2021.

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