Tripura TRB UGT Recruitment 2021: Exam Date, Admit Card

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Tripura TET 2021 Notification will be released by the Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB)of Tripura in the first week of March 2021. The Tripura TET Registration begins on 10th March. Check details here.

Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB) of Tripura is going to release the Tripura TET Notification 2021 on its official website in the first week of March 2021. The Tripura board has released a short notice on its website detailing about the Tripura TET 2021 examination. As per the notice, the Tripura TET (T- TET) Registration will begin from 10th March and will continue till 31st March 2021. Here in this article, we have shared below the details of the notice such as release of Notification, Application Process and Fee. Have a look at these details below.

The Tripura TET 2021 exam will be held in two sessions for Paper 1 and Paper 2. The Tripura TET Paper I is for applicants who want to teach Classes 1 to 5 and Paper II is for candidates who want to teach Classes 6 to 8. The details of the exam will be specified in the Prospectus-cum-Instructions or Notification of T-TET 2021 that will be released in the first week of March.

Download Tripura TET 2021 Notice here

Tripura TET Highlights

Exam NameTripura TET (Tripura Teachers’ Eligibility Test)
Conducting BodyTeachers Recruitment Board, Tripura (TRBT)
Exam LevelState
Exam FrequencyOnce a year
Exam ModeOffline
Exam Duration150 minutes
Exam PurposeTo shortlist candidates for appointment as teachers in classes I to VIII
Exam Helpdesk No.03812304868
Official Website

Tripura TET Eligibility

The basic Tripura TET eligibility criteria 2021 that candidates must fulfill are:

  • Candidates should complete class 12th with at least 50 per cent aggregate marks
  • Candidates should complete graduation with at least 50 per cent aggregate marks (only for candidates applying for paper-II)
  • A degree or diploma in teacher training
  • There is no prescribed age limit to appear for T-TET exam

Important Tripura TET Exam Dates 2021

Go through important dates for Tripura TET 2021 exam below:

Tripura TET EventsTripura TET Exam Dates (Tentative)
NotificationFirst week of March 2021
Application formMarch (10th to 31st) 2021
Admit cardSeptember 2021
Exam DateOctober 2021
ResultDecember 2021

Tripura TET Selection Process

Tripura TET selection process includes the following stages:

  • Application form: Firstly, candidates need to fill Tripura TET application form on the official website of the board
  • Admit card: All candidates who have successfully applied for the exam can download their Tripura TET admit card from the official website
  • Tripura TET exam: Next, candidates need to appear for their respective Tripura TET paper-I or paper-II
  • Result: Tripura TET result is declared by TRBT on its official website. All candidates qualifying the exam are then awarded with Tripura TET certificate based on which they can apply for teaching jobs in different schools in Tripura

Tripura TET Exam Centres

Candidates have to exercise their preference for Tripura TET test centre while applying online for the exam. They have to be very careful in choosing the exam centre as any change in this regard is not entertained by TRBT. The exact T-TET exam centre details are mentioned on the admit card of candidates.

Tripura TET 2021 exam centre list not out yet. Given below are T-TET 2019 centres for the reference of candidates. The exam was conducted in eight districts of Tripura. Candidates could choose any one from the list below:


Tripura TET Exam Day Guidelines

Important points that candidates must keep in mind on the day of Tripura TET exam are:

  • Candidates must not forget to carry their Tripura TET admit card and a valid and original photo ID proof to the allotted exam centre
  • Candidates should reach the allotted test centre at least two hours before the commencement of the exam. Any candidate who comes after the commencement of the test will not be allowed to enter the exam hall, informs the official website
  • Candidates are not allowed to carry the following items inside the exam hall:
Textual material (printed or hand-written)Bits of papers
Geometry/pencil boxPlastic pouch
Hand/carry bagsCalculator
Writing padPen drives
EraserElectronic pen/scanner
CardboardAny other electronic item
Tea, coffees, cold drinks 
  • Candidates should not leave their seat till the exam is over
  • Candidates can use only black ball point pen to mark their answers in the question booklet or OMR sheet
  • Candidates are not allowed to practice any rough work on the OMR answer sheet. Candidates should practice rough work only on the space provided along with the question booklet
  • Candidates should not be found using any unfair means in the exam hall

Tripura TET Application Process 2021

The application link will become active on 10th March. Candidates will be required to register and fill application form. Candidates also need to upload their passport size photograph of JPEG Format of 4 – 100 KB and their Signature in JPEG Format of 1 – 20 KB size. The detailed process will be shared after the release of notification.

Who can apply for Tripura TET 2021 Exam?

Indian nationals who reside in Tripura and have minimum academic & professional qualifications as specified in the NCTE Notification of 2014. The detailed eligibility criteria will be mentioned in the notification.

Exam Fee for Tripura TET 2021

Candidates who want to appear for the Tripura TET 2021 exam will have to pay an examination fee while filling the application form.  The test fee is as follows for reserved and unreserved category candidates:

Gen/Unreserved – Rs 300

SC/ST – Rs 200

PH – Rs 200

Watch this space for updates on the T- TET 2021 Exam.

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