Breast Size Naturally Increase, Shapes with Exercise?

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Women of all ages and are a mark of enhanced beauty, self-esteem and feminity. Did you know? An average woman’s breast size changes 6 times throughout her life? While medical innovations have made way for surgical enhancements, it does come with a hefty price tag and other challenges. Now comes the main question. What is the other way to go about it?

Is there a way for you to increase your breast size, naturally? The answer is, yes, you can.

They say you inherit your breast size from someone in your family. So in reality there is little you can do to correct their size. While a lot of it depends on your genetic make-up, lifestyle and body weight, exercising right, adhering to a strict lifestyle, eating right, massaging and enlargement techniques are some of the ways which a woman can adopt to have fuller, perkier breasts as well as increase their size. There are many natural ways which can be given a try. Not only are these free of side-effects, but they are also cost-effective.

Detailer on the same which can help you,

1) Exercising for Bigger Breast

Exercising regularly and in the right way may help you in getting bigger breasts. Weight training, intense exercises have been thought to contract and relax the pectoral as well as the chest muscles in the body, giving you a more defined and sculpted look. Certain exercises can also help tone and firm up the breast tissues, contributing to a better-desired shape and benefitting your overall posture. The best part about this is that these exercises can be easily done at home and require little to no equipment use. Maintaining proper technique, following discipline and doing it regularly can bring you closer to getting the desired results.

Here are some easy exercises for you to practice,

A) Push-ups: Not only good for triceps, push-ups also help in strengthening the pectoral muscles that are located below the breasts. Initially, you may find this exercise a bit tiring, so start with 2 to 3 sets of ten push-ups in a day and increase the number as your body gets used to the exercise.

This is how you should do push-ups

Get into the high plank position and firmly place your hands on the ground, directly under the shoulders. Keeping your back straight, bring your body towards the ground. Make sure your stomach should not touch the floor. Push back up. If you find this exercise too challenging, then you may keep your knees on the floor.

b) Crunches: Crunches trim the belly fat and strengthen ab muscles. Once the abs get in shape and toned, it strengthens breast muscles and you get fuller breasts.

How to do crunches

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands under your head. Lift your shoulders and upper back up away from the floor. You eyes should be focused towards the ceiling. Exhale as you come up, hold for a second and inhale when you return to the original position.

c) Wall ups: Walls ups are especially for women who find push-ups hard and tiring. Just like push-ups, you have to push yourself against a wall. Wall ups too strengthen pectoral muscles, tone breast shape and increase size.

d) Right way to do wall-ups

Stand in front of a wall and lift your arms to the shoulder level. Firmly place your palms on the wall and push off the wall until your arms are in an outstretched position with elbows bent. Come back to the original positions. Initially, try four sets ten times each.

e) Chest press with dumbbells

This exercise firms up breast tissues and strengthens pectoral muscles. It is important to note that you should do this exercise with easy-to-lift dumbbells.

How to do chest press with dumbbells

Lie on a bench with dumbbell in each hand. Your feet should be firmly placed on the floor. Push the dumbbells up in a way that your arms are directly over the shoulders and palms up. Bring the dumbbells back to the shoulder level and repeat.

f) Chest contractions: Focusing the isometric contractions of the chest, this exercise is one of the best types of breast-building workouts.

The right way to do chest contractions

Hold a towel in front of you. Your arms should be stretched up in front of your chest. Each hand should clutch one end of the towel. Now pull both ends of the towel simultaneously, away from each other. While doing the exercise, contract your chest muscles.

2) Diet Food for bigger breasts

Diet plays a significant role in shaping up the body. Where breast size is concerned, it requires proper nutrition.

a) Milk: Intake of milk contributes to the growth of breast tissues. Cow’s milk is enriched with estrogen, progesterone and prolactin, which are required to produce milk in women, thus enhancing breast size.

b) Green leafy vegetables: For bigger boobs, include green leafy vegetables in your daily diet. These vegetables are also a good source of iron and calcium.

Mostly, green leafy vegetables do not contain phytoestrogens that help in increasing breast tissues, but they tone developed breasts. Another reason to eat green leafy vegetables is they prevent the male testosterone production in women. This balances the hormones in a woman’s body and allows natural estrogen level to control the body functioning.

c) Nuts: 
High in monosaturated fats, nuts are essential for building breast tissues and enhancing breast growth.

d) Soy: Soy contains phytoestrogens, the hormone responsible for breast growth. Soy also contains is of lavones which fights against free radicals and cancer cells that might grow in breast tissues.

Include foods like flax seeds, fenugreek and fennel seeds in your diet. Some other types of foods that help in toning and increasing breast tissues are legumes and soya bean.

Do supplements help? Some other ways

For proper growth of your boobs, it is essential to choose the right bra. Bra size plays an important role in controlling sagging and making your breast firm and toned. Another way to get bigger breasts is massaging. Massage your breasts at least once a day. This increases blood circulation, which leads to a smooth flow of hormones and increases breast size.

3) Massage Oil For Bigger Boobs

Of course, massaging is one of the best ways to increase boob size. If your guy is using a cream or lotion to massage your breasts, well, there’s nothing that can match this pleasure. So what natural oils or lotions can you use to massage your boobs? Here is what you need to know.

  • Flaxseed oil
  • Breast enlargement creams
  • Fennel; and
  • Olive oil

How To Get A Boob Massage? 

The best natural way to increase boobs size is by getting an oil massage done. Here are some simple steps as to how to get one done.

Step 1: Move your hands around both boobs in a circulator way.

Step 2: Join both boobs together

Step 3: Repeat for 10 times every day using some of the above-listed natural oils.

NOTE: Do not do this for too long as it can lead to swelling and sensitivity. If this massage is done by your husband or boyfriend, the results will be faster.

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